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Author (s):Kuchuk A. M.
Work place:
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Dnipropetrovsk State Universityof Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):9-17
The article is devoted to the study of correlation of the phenomena denoted with the terms “law system” (within the post soviet space) and “legal system” (within the boundaries of the western legal culture). Attention is paid to incorrectness of the conclusion as to agreement of the rise of the term “law system” with the name of the French lawyer Rene David. It is concluded that foreign lawyers mostly avoid the use of the term “legal system”, and using it, in fact, identify the phenomenon, marked with this term, with another phenomenon – marked with the term “law”. The European professional literature does not use terms “legal system” and “system of law” as the equivalent of the notions “law system” and “system of law”.
The analysis of sources, the subject of study of which is law system and the legal system, allows us to conclude that for legal science, the fact that various states have the regulatory features of ensuring order in society is well-known. The similarity of regulation of social relations allows us to typologize national systems of Law. Foreign lawyers mostly avoid using the word “legal system”, but using them, actually identify the phenomenon that affects them, with the other – denoted by the term “right”.
Key words: law, legal system, system of law, systemacy, soviet jurisprudence.
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- Luts L. A. Yevropeiski mizhderzhavni pravovi systemy: zahalno-teoretychna kharakterystyka: avtoref. dys. … d-ra yuryd. nauk: 12.00.01. Kyiv. 2005. 32 s.
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Author (s):Lytvynov O. M.
Work place:
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E.O.Didorenko, Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):18-31
The article is a summary and development of some methodological provisions of the general cultural concept of law, where critical thinking, as the most important practical aspect of critical rationalism for jurisprudence, is interpreted in its salutary role for societies. The main obstacles in the formation of legal states as societies organized on the basis of the equal rights of each person are the archetypes of the past (the cult of force, the dichotomy of “friend or foe” and the irrational functional inconsistency of spheres of activity), which in the 21st century becomes an expression of the criminal act typical for representatives of non-creative secondary cultures. An example of the political, legal and economic degradation of Argentina in the twentieth century is given as a possible parallel for modern Ukraine.
The author notes the special role of the principles of the Reformation (1. equality, 2. individual responsibility, 3. the cult of honest labor) for modern legal understanding and the formation of a legal reality based on the observance of human rights, which was the result of critical rational thinking and actions. He proves that critical thinking is an epistemological tool that allows one to overcome the limitation of thinking and actions caused by the archetypes of the past, which becomes a condition for the survival of societies in the modern world, since the law realizes the unity of morality and intellect (mind).
Key words: law, culture, legal reality, philosophy of law, critical thinking, critical rationalism, society.
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Author (s):Lyubych O. A.
Work place:
Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Social Disciplines, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):32-42
Research is devoted to the consideration of the basic stages of formation of criminal punishment system in terms of the criminal legislation of the Russian empire in 19 th century.
In the article the authors conduct a thorough analysis of the definitions of alternative types of punishments in the criminal law of the Russian empire in 19 th century. Special attention is paid to the analysis and comparison of alternative sentences, their place in the hierarchy of penalties, and punitive components of alternative punishments.
The article describes the features of the destination and the execution of criminal penalties in the form of return to the penitentiary convict companies of civil authorities in the Russian Empire. It is noted that it was quite a severe punishment. At the same time there has been a detailed its suspension control ing both in the criminal and criminal-executive legislation, which in certain ways strengthened legal guarantees prisoners.
The reduction of the period of incarceration and early release from the convict labor gangs of civil authorities were a common practice for these places of detention, provided by a number of legal acts: the decree of 1834 “On determining the period of stay the vagrants in convict labor gangs of civil authorities in Novorossiysk region”, 22 October 1836: “On the age of criminals, awarded, instead of referring to the settlement, to return in the military service”, the regulation on 15 August 1845 “On the correctional convict labor gangs of civil authorities, decrees April 17, 1863 “On some changes in the present system of criminal and correction penalties”, October 19, 1863.
The decision was made by the head of the department and submitted to the trustees committees for final decision. The reduction of the prison term used as an exceptional measure to reduce the contingent of places of detention.
Key words: punishment, criminal policy, punishment types, humanism of criminal punishment, criminal and executive legislation.
- Materialy po voprosu o preobrazovanii tyuremnoy chasti v Rossii. Sankt-Peterburg. 1865. 340 c.
- Povne zibrannia zakoniv Rosiiskoi imperii. Zak. № 19285. Sankt-Peterburh, 1830.
- Foynitskiy I. Ya. Tyuremnaya reforma i tyurmovedeniye. Na dosuge: sb. yurid. st. i issled. s 1870 g.: v 2 t. T. 1. Sankt-Peterburg. 1898. S. 415–432.
- Derzhavnyi arkhiv Poltavskoi oblasti. F. 31. Op. 1. Spr.7, 123, 160, 162, 163; Halkyn M. N. Materyalы k yzuchenyiu tiuremnoho voprosa. Sankt-Peterburh: Hos. typ., 1868. 168 s.
- Obshchaya tyuremnaya instruktsiya. Petrograd: Tip. Petrogr. tyurmy. 1916. 84 s.
- Yadrintsev N. M. Russkaya obshchina v tyurme i ssylke. Sankt-Peterburg: Tip. Morigerovskogo A.. 1872. 720 s.
- Prugavin A. S. Monastyrskiye tyurmy. Pravo. 1903. № 7. S. 433–445; № 14. S. 1018–1027; № 15. S. 1085–1091.
human right for a second chance
Author (s):Pedorich A. V.
Work place:
Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Humanities,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):42-53
In the article options for solving problems related to the social adaptation of minors, serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty and relative to which a penitentiary probation is applied, are presented. After all, the task of the psychological and pedagogical paradigm, in relation to minors who did wrong, is to find an effective mechanism for preventing crimes among the relevant category of offenders, responding to a crime in the form of a certain punishment and leveling off the negative accompanying minor through imprisonment.
The text reveals the development of two probation programs for the correction of aggressive behavior for juvenile delinquents (for boys and girls) developed by the State Criminal Execution Service of Ukraine, a methodology for assessing the risks and needs of minors who are in conflict with the law, and the method of case management with respect to this category of offenders (drawing up an individual plan based on the social needs of the offender and periodically evaluating the results with the necessary correction).
The peculiarities of the training of future employees of the probation body for carrying out the tasks of penitentiary probation are considered. The need to create a supportive social environment, conduct social and educational work, taking into account the needs of the convicts and the risks of repeat offending by them is indicated.
The article focuses on the interaction of state institutions and the public, volunteers with the aim of expanding the sphere of influence on minors and forming a valuable attitude to life prospects, forming positive social orientation, neutralizing negative personal entities, and inducing actions that do not contradict socially approved norms.
Key words: the State Criminal and Executive System, probation body, penitentiary probation, interaction of state institutions and the public, social adaptation, juvenile offenders.
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Author (s):Sakir-Molochko N. V.,Samofalov L. P.
Work place:
Sakir-Molochko N. V.,
Postgraduate Student, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Samofalov L. P.,
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional Law, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):54-65
The subject of the article is the types of electoral systems. Each electoral system has some specific characteristics that help to classify them in a certain system. Domestic and foreign scholars have different approaches to this issue. The author offers an optimal classification of electoral systems. In the article the author dwells on the essence of the world’s election systems, as well as on their features, advantages and disadvantages.
Having studied the mechanisms of each electoral system and compared them, we agreed to highlight their advantages and disadvantages.
Independently of the type of electoral system, it is impossible to exclude unwanted, and sometimes destructive, effects altogether while its usage. Therefore, there is no perfect electoral system.
The greatest advantage of using plural and majoritarian electoral systems is the formation of a stable government and effective interaction between voters and candidates selected from the constituency. The disadvantage of this system is a significant distortion of population’s real political mood.
The proportional electoral system adequately reflects the picture of the citizens’ political preferences, but can not ensure the stable work of the government, and also makes elected deputies “dependent” not from voters, but from party leadership.
In order to maintain positive and eliminate negative aspects of each mentioned electoral systems, mixed electoral systems are created.
Key words: electoral system, proportional electoral systems, majoritarian electoral systems, mixed electoral systems, representative democracy.
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Author (s):Andrushchenko T. S.
Work place:
Ph.D. in Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):66-77
The article is devoted to comprehensive studying of the procedure of the notarial certificate of the alumni contract as an instrument of legal regulation of relevant family relationships, the definition of the peculiarities of introducing amendments and additions to the alimony contract, the development on this basis scientifically substantiated recommendations on improving the legislation of Ukraine, concerning these issues. The grounds for termination of the alimony contract both unilaterally and by mutual agreement of the sides are determined in the article. The author also pays his attention to the delimitation of such concepts as “substantial change of circumstances” and “significant breaking of contract.”
Particularly attention is paid to the necessity of compliance the procedure of making amendments and additions to the alimony contract, depending on its type and rules of notarial acts. The author draws attention to the order and consequences of the termination of alumni contracts, as well as their recognition invalid, taking into account the principles of Civil Law and notarial process.
Key words: alumni contract, procedure of making amendments and additions to alumni contract, grounds for termination of alumni contract, grounds for completion of alumni contract, an agreement on the termination of maintenance in connection with the transfer of immovable property.
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Author (s):Shumna L. P., Vdovychenko V. V.
Work place:
Shumna L. P.,
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of State and Law Theory and History, Constitutional Law,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service , Chernihiv, Ukraine
Vdovychenko V. V.,
Chief Specialist of the HR Department,
Personnel Management and Organizational and Informational work
Head Office of the Pension Fund of Ukraine
in Chernihiv region, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):78-92
In the article the concept, types and mechanism of appointment of pensions to employees of the criminal-executive system and their family members are revealed. The author analyzes a set of normative acts, which regulate the issues of pension provision for the staff of the State Criminal and Executivet System of Ukraine. The necessity of a detailed study of the pension provision of mentioned categories is justified in order to make recommendations, mechanisms, methods and ways of reforming the current pension system of Ukraine.
An integral part of the general system of social provision of Ukrainian citizens is the social security of persons who were in the military service, in the bodies of internal affairs, the National Police, the State Fire Protection Service, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, civil protection bodies and units, the tax police or the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, some other persons and members of their families.
The most widespread and socially significant type of social security for employees and citizens dismissed from the service and their family members is a pension – a monthly cash benefit received by a person with a length of service prescribed by the law or is disabled, as well as members of their families in case of loss of breadwinner.
Key words: years of service, old-age pension, invalid pension, survivors’ pension, money insurance.
- Pro pensiine zabezpechennia osib, zvilnenykh z viiskovoi sluzhby, ta deiakykh inshykh osib: Zakon Ukrainy vid 09.04.1992 № 2262-XII.
- Pro zahalnooboviazkove derzhavne pensiine strakhuvannia: Zakon Ukrainy vid 09.07.2003 № 1058-IV.
- Pro peredachu orhanam Pensiinoho fondu Ukrainy funktsii z pry-znachennia i vyplaty pensii deiakym katehoriiam hromadian: Postanova Ka-binetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 02.11.2006 № 1522.
- Pro poriadok obchyslennia vysluhy rokiv, pryznachennia ta vyplaty pensii i hroshovoi dopomohy osobam ofitserskoho skladu, praporshchykam, michmanam, viiskovosluzhbovtsiam nadstrokovoi sluzhby ta viiskovoi sluzhby za kontraktom, osobam nachalnytskoho i riadovoho skladu orha-niv vnutrishnikh sprav, politseiskym ta chlenam yikhnikh simei: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 17.07.1992 № 393.
- Pro Natsionalnu politsiiu: Zakon Ukrainy vid 02.07.2015 № 580-VIII.
- Pro zapobihannia finansovoi katastrofy ta stvorennia peredumov dlia ekonomichnoho zrostannia v Ukraini: Zakon Ukrainy vid 27.03.2014 № 1166-VII.
- Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh zakonodavchykh aktiv Ukrainy shchodo pidvyshchennia pensii: Zakon Ukrainy vid 03.10.2017 № 2148-VIII.
- Pro Derzhavnyi biudzhet Ukrainy na 2017 rik: Zakon Ukrainy vid 21.12.2016 № 1801-VIII.
- Pro vnesennia zminy do statti 37 Zakonu Ukrainy «Pro pensiine zabezpechennia osib, zvilnenykh z viiskovoi sluzhby, ta deiakykh inshykh osib»: Zakon Ukrainy vid 20.06.2014 № 1542-VII.
Author (s):Manzhula A. A.
Work place:
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Industrial Law
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical
University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):93-104
The article analyzes the views of scientists on the issue of liability. The author’s definition of the responsibility of research institutions.The attention absence of a single legal act, which would define the characteristic of such institutions responsible. It outlined the range of issues of improving accountability of research institutions.
It is proposed to understand under the responsibility of research institutions the means of state influence coercion on illegal actions of research institutions to prevent abuse last principle of legality, and if such a violation – to end illegal acts, restore violated rights and citizens’ legitimate interests and rights.
In legal literature as the classic types of legal liability under the laws of Ukraine adopted a differentiated: Administrative responsibility; Disciplinary responsibility; Criminal liability;Civil liability;Constitutional responsibility;International legal responsibility;Financial responsibility.
Research institutions are legal entities with different legal form and ownership. The common feature of driving their activity – scientific research for the sake of scientific results. However, these institutions as entities may in its activities violate the established rules of functioning of various public institutions. And if these violations infringe on the established order by the law, they entail occurrence adequate liability. First of all it is necessary to determine which violations can be detected in the activities of research institutions, and thus to the kinds of responsibilities they can be drawn.
Key words: research institution, the responsibility of improving the problem, types of legal liability, citizens’ legitimate interests and rights, law.
- Skakun O. F. Teoriia derzhavy i prava (entsyklopedychnyi kurs): [pidruchnyk]. Vydannia 2-he, pereroblene i dopovnene. Kharkiv: Espada, 2009. 752 s.
- Administratyvna vidpovidalnist v Ukraini: navch. posib. / Kom-ziuk A. T., Humeniuk V. A., Dzhahupov H. V. ta in.; za zah. red. A. T. Komziuka. 3-tie vyd., doopr. Kharkiv: Vyd-vo Khark. nats. un-tu vnutr. sprav, 2007. 80 s.
- Budko Z. M. Finansovo-pravova vidpovidalnist za vchynennia podatkovykh pravoporushen: dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.07. Zapo-rizhzhia, 2005. 258 s.
- Basin K. V. Yurydychna vidpovidalnist: pryroda, formy reali-zatsii ta prava liudyny: dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.01. Kyiv, 2006. 214 s.
- Zelena O. V. Sutnist yurydychnoi vidpovidalnosti ta rol pra-vookhoronnykh orhaniv u yii zabezpechenni: dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.01. Kyiv, 200. 215 s.
- Iurydychna entsyklopediia: v 6 t. / redkol.: Shemshuchenko Yu. S. (holova redkol.) ta in. Kyiv: Yuryd. dumka, 2011. T. 1: A–H. 656 s.
- Pro naukovu i naukovo-tekhnichnu diialnist: Zakon Ukrainy vid 13.12.1991 № 1977-KhII. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 1992. № 12. St. 165.
- Kodeks Ukrainy pro administratyvni pravoporushennia: zakon Ukrainy vid 07.12.1984 № 8073-Kh. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrains-koi RSR. 1984. Dodatok do № 51. St. 1122.
- Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy vid 05.04.2001 № 2341-III. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2001. № 25–26. St. 131.
- Tsyvilnyi kodeks Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy vid 16.01.2003 № 435-IV. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2003. № 40–44. St. 356.
- Pro zatverdzhennia Polozhennia pro Derzhavnyi reiestr naukovykh ustanov, yakym nadaietsia pidtrymka derzhavy : postanova Kabinetu Mini-striv Ukrainy vid 23.04.2001 № 380. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2001. № 17. St. 751. S. 140. Kod akta 18546/2001.
- Finansove pravo: pidruchnyk / M. P. Kucheriavenko, D. O. Bilinskyi, O. O. Dmytryk ta in.; za red. d-ra yuryd. nauk, prof. M. P. Kucheriavenka. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2013. 400 s.
- Kodeks zakoniv pro pratsiu Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy vid 10.12.1971 № 322-VIII. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady URSR. 1971. Doda-tok do № 50.
Author (s):Oliinyk V. S., Antonenko M. I
Work place:
Oliinyk V. S.,
Ph.D. in Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of State and Law Theory and History, Constitutional Law,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service , Chernihiv, Ukraine
Antonenko M. I
Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):105-118
Pecularities and basic sources of political parties financing in democratic countries are investigated in the article. The pecularities of financial activity of political parties in Ukraine, including electoral process are examined. The problems of political parties financing in Ukraine are determined and the ways of their solving are offered. Conclusions and recommendations are offered.
The author indicates that state financing of political parties is the main trend in modern European parliamentary development. Sufficient number of laws on this issue in Ukraine makes it impossible to clarify the system of political parties financing because their norms contradict one another as they were passed at different times and are based on different concepts of the state policy. These laws don`t allow to keep control over the order and the amount of sponsors` fees, as well as to control accounts and their use, that causes deformation of the political party itself and turns it into a close-type agency. The author comes to the conclusion that: it is necessary to structure political parties, one should define carefully the correlation between financial needs of the political party activity and its financing proportions, taking into account different sources, political parties should form public opinion dealing with this issue.
Key words: political party, electoral process, election campaign, financing, state financing, private financing, financial control.
- Hromadski obiednannia v Ukraini: navch. posib. / [Beschastnyi V. M., Fi-lonov O. V., Subbotin V. M. ta in.]; za red. Beschastnoho V. M. Kyiv: Znannia, 2007. 415 c.
- Heorhitsa A. Z. Konstytutsiine pravo zarubizhnykh krain: pidruchnyk. Ternopil: Aston, 2003. 432 s.
- Honiukova L. Politychni partii yak instytut derzhavnoi polityky ta upravlinnia: teoretyko-metodolohichnyi analiz: monohrafiia / za nauk. red. d-ra polit. nauk Shkliara L. Ye. K.: NADU, 2009. 392 s.
- Yevropeiskyi demokratychnyi dorobok v haluzi vyborchoho prava: materialy Venetsianskoi Komisii, Parlamentskoi Asamblei, Komitetu ministriv, Konhresu mistsevykh i rehionalnykh vlad Rady Yevropy / [za red. Kliuchkovskoho Yu.]. Vyd. 2-he, vypr. i dopovn. K.: Lohos, 2009. 500 s.
- Zaslavskiy S. E.. Zotova Z. M. Pravovyye osnovy uchastiya politicheskikh partiy v vyborakh. M.: RTsOIT. 2006. 240 s.
- Balaban R. Finansovyi vymir vyborchoho alhorytmu. Naukovi zapysky IPiEND im. I. F. Kurasa. 2010. Vyp. 6. S. 161–168.
- Kovryzhenko D., Chebanenko O., Synookyi O. Yevropeiskyi dosvid finansuvannia partii ta vyborchykh kampanii. Chasopys Parlament. 2009. № 2. S. 23–64.
- Kononchuk S. Partii u vyborchykh protsedurakh v Ukraini / Ukr. ne-zalezhnyi tsentr polit. doslidzh. K.: Ahentstvo Ukraina, 2010. 17 s.
- Krysenko O., Mykolenko D., Podiachev D. Yevropeiskyi dosvid derzhavnoho finansuvannia politychnykh partii: vysnovky dlia Ukrainy: analitychna zapyska // Rehionalnyi filial NISD u m. Kharkovi. URL: http://old.niss.gov.ua/Monitor/juni08/9.htm.
- Lebediuk V. M. Finansuvannia politychnykh partii v Ukraini: me-khanizmy derzhavnoho kontroliu. Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid. 2011. № 14. S. 100–103.
- Pinto-Dushynskyi M. Dovidnyk «Finansuvannia partii ta vybo-rchykh kampanii»: ohliad. Politychni finansy: Rehuliuvannia i praktyka: materialy mizhnarodnoi konferentsii (m. Kyiv, 29 kvitnia 2002 r.). K.: Yev-ropa 21, 2002. S. 87–108.
Author (s):Sykal M. M.
Work place:
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):119-125
Pecularities and basic sources of political parties financing in democratic countries are investigated in the article. The pecularities of financial activity of political parties in Ukraine, including electoral process are examined. The problems of political parties financing in Ukraine are determined and the ways of their solving are offered. Conclusions and recommendations are offered.
The author indicates that state financing of political parties is the main trend in modern European parliamentary development. Sufficient number of laws on this issue in Ukraine makes it impossible to clarify the system of political parties financing because their norms contradict one another as they were passed at different times and are based on different concepts of the state policy. These laws don`t allow to keep control over the order and the amount of sponsors` fees, as well as to control accounts and their use, that causes deformation of the political party itself and turns it into a close-type agency. The author comes to the conclusion that: it is necessary to structure political parties, one should define carefully the correlation between financial needs of the political party activity and its financing proportions, taking into account different sources, political parties should form public opinion dealing with this issue.
Key words: political party, electoral process, election campaign, financing, state financing, private financing, financial control.
- Hromadski obiednannia v Ukraini: navch. posib. / [Beschastnyi V. M., Fi-lonov O. V., Subbotin V. M. ta in.]; za red. Beschastnoho V. M. Kyiv: Znannia, 2007. 415 c.
- Heorhitsa A. Z. Konstytutsiine pravo zarubizhnykh krain: pidruchnyk. Ternopil: Aston, 2003. 432 s.
- Honiukova L. Politychni partii yak instytut derzhavnoi polityky ta upravlinnia: teoretyko-metodolohichnyi analiz: monohrafiia / za nauk. red. d-ra polit. nauk Shkliara L. Ye. K.: NADU, 2009. 392 s.
- Yevropeiskyi demokratychnyi dorobok v haluzi vyborchoho prava: materialy Venetsianskoi Komisii, Parlamentskoi Asamblei, Komitetu ministriv, Konhresu mistsevykh i rehionalnykh vlad Rady Yevropy / [za red. Kliuchkovskoho Yu.]. Vyd. 2-he, vypr. i dopovn. K.: Lohos, 2009. 500 s.
- Zaslavskiy S. E.. Zotova Z. M. Pravovyye osnovy uchastiya politicheskikh partiy v vyborakh. M.: RTsOIT. 2006. 240 s.
- Balaban R. Finansovyi vymir vyborchoho alhorytmu. Naukovi zapysky IPiEND im. I. F. Kurasa. 2010. Vyp. 6. S. 161–168.
- Kovryzhenko D., Chebanenko O., Synookyi O. Yevropeiskyi dosvid finansuvannia partii ta vyborchykh kampanii. Chasopys Parlament. 2009. № 2. S. 23–64.
- Kononchuk S. Partii u vyborchykh protsedurakh v Ukraini / Ukr. ne-zalezhnyi tsentr polit. doslidzh. K.: Ahentstvo Ukraina, 2010. 17 s.
- Krysenko O., Mykolenko D., Podiachev D. Yevropeiskyi dosvid derzhavnoho finansuvannia politychnykh partii: vysnovky dlia Ukrainy: analitychna zapyska // Rehionalnyi filial NISD u m. Kharkovi. URL: http://old.niss.gov.ua/Monitor/juni08/9.htm.
- Lebediuk V. M. Finansuvannia politychnykh partii v Ukraini: me-khanizmy derzhavnoho kontroliu. Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid. 2011. № 14. S. 100–103.
- Pinto-Dushynskyi M. Dovidnyk «Finansuvannia partii ta vybo-rchykh kampanii»: ohliad. Politychni finansy: Rehuliuvannia i praktyka: materialy mizhnarodnoi konferentsii (m. Kyiv, 29 kvitnia 2002 r.). K.: Yev-ropa 21, 2002. S. 87–108.
Author (s):Nishchymna S. O.,Krupko Yа. M
Work place:
Nishchymna S. O.,
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor
Head of the Department of Administrative, Civil andEconomic Law and Process,Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;
Krupko Yа. M.,
Ph.D. in Law,
Head of Postgraduate StudiesAcademy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: English
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):126-140
The article is dedicated to determination of the essence of one of the most important institutes of financial law, state credit. Providing carrying out the purpose of public financial activity (recovery by the state all financial costs) also maintains due to using this legal institution of financial law. Different approaches to the determination of the essence of the state credit, that means the ability of the state to provide extra-earnings to the budget, to cover its deficit, are analyzed. Relationships, concerning state credit, are characterized by inequality of sides, where one side is the state as the borrower and the other side is the population and business entities as creditors. They have a number of peculiar features, which give the opportunity to talk about the state credit as financial and legal institute.
The state credit is a complex of special economical relationships, in which the state acts as a debtor and the population and business entities act as creditors. State credit institute is a form of physical and juridical persons’ participation in forming of state’s money national fund. The money, got from the state credit, doesn’t give new incomes, but it acts as temporary state’s resource, that must be returned.
Wider concept of the state credit can be determined as an institute of financial law, which unites and regulates a homogeneous group of financial legal relations about mobilization of temporary free money of enterprises, banks, population’s savings for national needs and is one of the forms of physical and juridical persons’ participation in forming of state fund.
The main purposes of state credit are:
- solving of the problems of budget deficit;
- realization of regional financial and credit policy, that is directed towards equalization of population’s social and economical life conditions and functioning of regional economy;
- support of local municipality while solving urgent social and economic tasks;
- support of priority for the economy sectors and kinds of activity.
Legal relations that develop in the area of the state credit are very different. Huge amount of subjects, which have specific authorities, takes place in them. The peculiarity of legal relations in the area of the state credit is the fact, that they have state power character and the state, in spite of its debtor’s position, sets the rules of subjects’ behavior by itself.
Key words: state finance, public finance activity, credit, the state credit, cost funds.
- Finansove pravo: pidruchnyk [Financial Law: Textbook] / kerivnyk avt. kolektyvu i vidp. red. Voronova L. K. Vydannia druhe, vypravlene ta dopovnene. Kharkiv: Konsum, 1999. 496 s. (in Ukrainian).2. Patsurkivskyi P. S. Poniattia finansovoi diialnosti derzhavy. Problemy finansovoho prava: materially Mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii [Concept of financial activity of the state. Problems of Financial Law: materials of the International scientific conference]. Vypusk 2. Chernivtsi, 1996. S. 3–11. (in Ukrainian).3. Rovinskiy Ye. A. Sovetskoye finansovoye pravo: uchebnoye posobiye [Soviet Financial Law: a training manual]. Moskva: VYUZI, 1957. 192 s. (in Russian).4. Tsypkin S. D. Pravovoye regulirovaniye gosudarstvennogo kredita v SSSR [Legal regulation of public credit in the USSR]. Moskva: Znaniye, 1977. 64 s. (in Russian).5. Artemov M. M. Pravovoye regulirovaniye gosudarstvennogo kredita v SSSR [Legal regulation of public credit in the USSR]. Moskva, 1988. 78 s. (in Russian).6. Finansovoye pravo: uchebnik [Financial Law: a textbook] / pod red. Khimichevoy N. I. Moskva: Izd-vo BEK, 1996. 525 s. (in Russian).7. Finansy: pidruchnyk [Finances: a textbook] / za red. Bulhakovoi S. O. Kyiv: KDTEU, 1999. 174 s. (in Ukrainian).8. Godme P. Finansovoye pravo [Financial Law] / perevod i vsupitelnaya statya Khalfinoy R. O. Moskva: Progress, 1978. 430 s. (in Russian).9. Pro derzhavne rehuliuvannia rynku tsinnykh paperiv v Ukrayini [On State Regulation of the Securities Market in Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy vid [Law of Ukraine dated] 30.10.1996 r. № 448/96- VR. URL:http://zakon.rada.gov.ua (in Ukrainian). 10. Pro derdzhavni harantii vidnovlennia zaoshchadzhen hromadian Ukrainy [On state guarantees for the restoration of Ukrainian citizens’ savings]: Zakon Ukrainy vid [Law of Ukraine dated] 21.11.1996 r. №537/96-VR.URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua (in Ukrainian).11. Pro Natsionalnyi bank Ukrainy [On the National Bank of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy vid [Law of Ukraine dated] 20.05.1999 r №679-KHIV.URL: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua (in Ukrainian).
Author (s):Akimov M. O.
Work place:
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law,
National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):141-151
Pecularities and basic sources of political parties financing in democratic countries are investigated in the article. The pecularities of financial activity of political parties in Ukraine, including electoral process are examined. The problems of political parties financing in Ukraine are determined and the ways of their solving are offered. Conclusions and recommendations are offered.
The author indicates that state financing of political parties is the main trend in modern European parliamentary development. Sufficient number of laws on this issue in Ukraine makes it impossible to clarify the system of political parties financing because their norms contradict one another as they were passed at different times and are based on different concepts of the state policy. These laws don`t allow to keep control over the order and the amount of sponsors` fees, as well as to control accounts and their use, that causes deformation of the political party itself and turns it into a close-type agency. The author comes to the conclusion that: it is necessary to structure political parties, one should define carefully the correlation between financial needs of the political party activity and its financing proportions, taking into account different sources, political parties should form public opinion dealing with this issue.
Key words: political party, electoral process, election campaign, financing, state financing, private financing, financial control.
- Hromadski obiednannia v Ukraini: navch. posib. / [Beschastnyi V. M., Fi-lonov O. V., Subbotin V. M. ta in.]; za red. Beschastnoho V. M. Kyiv: Znannia, 2007. 415 c.
- Heorhitsa A. Z. Konstytutsiine pravo zarubizhnykh krain: pidruchnyk. Ternopil: Aston, 2003. 432 s.
- Honiukova L. Politychni partii yak instytut derzhavnoi polityky ta upravlinnia: teoretyko-metodolohichnyi analiz: monohrafiia / za nauk. red. d-ra polit. nauk Shkliara L. Ye. K.: NADU, 2009. 392 s.
- Yevropeiskyi demokratychnyi dorobok v haluzi vyborchoho prava: materialy Venetsianskoi Komisii, Parlamentskoi Asamblei, Komitetu ministriv, Konhresu mistsevykh i rehionalnykh vlad Rady Yevropy / [za red. Kliuchkovskoho Yu.]. Vyd. 2-he, vypr. i dopovn. K.: Lohos, 2009. 500 s.
- Zaslavskiy S. E.. Zotova Z. M. Pravovyye osnovy uchastiya politicheskikh partiy v vyborakh. M.: RTsOIT. 2006. 240 s.
- Balaban R. Finansovyi vymir vyborchoho alhorytmu. Naukovi zapysky IPiEND im. I. F. Kurasa. 2010. Vyp. 6. S. 161–168.
- Kovryzhenko D., Chebanenko O., Synookyi O. Yevropeiskyi dosvid finansuvannia partii ta vyborchykh kampanii. Chasopys Parlament. 2009. № 2. S. 23–64.
- Kononchuk S. Partii u vyborchykh protsedurakh v Ukraini / Ukr. ne-zalezhnyi tsentr polit. doslidzh. K.: Ahentstvo Ukraina, 2010. 17 s.
- Krysenko O., Mykolenko D., Podiachev D. Yevropeiskyi dosvid derzhavnoho finansuvannia politychnykh partii: vysnovky dlia Ukrainy: analitychna zapyska // Rehionalnyi filial NISD u m. Kharkovi. URL: http://old.niss.gov.ua/Monitor/juni08/9.htm.
- Lebediuk V. M. Finansuvannia politychnykh partii v Ukraini: me-khanizmy derzhavnoho kontroliu. Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid. 2011. № 14. S. 100–103.
- Pinto-Dushynskyi M. Dovidnyk «Finansuvannia partii ta vybo-rchykh kampanii»: ohliad. Politychni finansy: Rehuliuvannia i praktyka: materialy mizhnarodnoi konferentsii (m. Kyiv, 29 kvitnia 2002 r.). K.: Yev-ropa 21, 2002. S. 87–108.
Author (s):Karelin V. V., Puzyrevskyi M. V.
Work place:
Karelin V. V.,
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal, Criminal and Executive Law and Criminology, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;
Puzyrevskyi M. V.,
a candidate for higher education at the second (Master’s) level
on the specialty 081 “Law”, the head of the cabinet
of the Department of Tactical and Special Training,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):152-161
Pecularities and basic sources of political parties financing in democratic countries are investigated in the article. The pecularities of financial activity of political parties in Ukraine, including electoral process are examined. The problems of political parties financing in Ukraine are determined and the ways of their solving are offered. Conclusions and recommendations are offered.
The author indicates that state financing of political parties is the main trend in modern European parliamentary development. Sufficient number of laws on this issue in Ukraine makes it impossible to clarify the system of political parties financing because their norms contradict one another as they were passed at different times and are based on different concepts of the state policy. These laws don`t allow to keep control over the order and the amount of sponsors` fees, as well as to control accounts and their use, that causes deformation of the political party itself and turns it into a close-type agency. The author comes to the conclusion that: it is necessary to structure political parties, one should define carefully the correlation between financial needs of the political party activity and its financing proportions, taking into account different sources, political parties should form public opinion dealing with this issue.
Key words: political party, electoral process, election campaign, financing, state financing, private financing, financial control.
- Hromadski obiednannia v Ukraini: navch. posib. / [Beschastnyi V. M., Fi-lonov O. V., Subbotin V. M. ta in.]; za red. Beschastnoho V. M. Kyiv: Znannia, 2007. 415 c.
- Heorhitsa A. Z. Konstytutsiine pravo zarubizhnykh krain: pidruchnyk. Ternopil: Aston, 2003. 432 s.
- Honiukova L. Politychni partii yak instytut derzhavnoi polityky ta upravlinnia: teoretyko-metodolohichnyi analiz: monohrafiia / za nauk. red. d-ra polit. nauk Shkliara L. Ye. K.: NADU, 2009. 392 s.
- Yevropeiskyi demokratychnyi dorobok v haluzi vyborchoho prava: materialy Venetsianskoi Komisii, Parlamentskoi Asamblei, Komitetu ministriv, Konhresu mistsevykh i rehionalnykh vlad Rady Yevropy / [za red. Kliuchkovskoho Yu.]. Vyd. 2-he, vypr. i dopovn. K.: Lohos, 2009. 500 s.
- Zaslavskiy S. E.. Zotova Z. M. Pravovyye osnovy uchastiya politicheskikh partiy v vyborakh. M.: RTsOIT. 2006. 240 s.
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- Kononchuk S. Partii u vyborchykh protsedurakh v Ukraini / Ukr. ne-zalezhnyi tsentr polit. doslidzh. K.: Ahentstvo Ukraina, 2010. 17 s.
- Krysenko O., Mykolenko D., Podiachev D. Yevropeiskyi dosvid derzhavnoho finansuvannia politychnykh partii: vysnovky dlia Ukrainy: analitychna zapyska // Rehionalnyi filial NISD u m. Kharkovi. URL: http://old.niss.gov.ua/Monitor/juni08/9.htm.
- Lebediuk V. M. Finansuvannia politychnykh partii v Ukraini: me-khanizmy derzhavnoho kontroliu. Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid. 2011. № 14. S. 100–103.
- Pinto-Dushynskyi M. Dovidnyk «Finansuvannia partii ta vybo-rchykh kampanii»: ohliad. Politychni finansy: Rehuliuvannia i praktyka: materialy mizhnarodnoi konferentsii (m. Kyiv, 29 kvitnia 2002 r.). K.: Yev-ropa 21, 2002. S. 87–108.
Author (s):Kraynik G. S.
Work place:
Assistant of the Department of Criminal Law No. 1,
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):162-172
The work is devoted to the analysis of topical innovations in the author’s opinion on administrative and criminal liability for corruption offenses in Ukraine. The existing system of corruption offenses (crimes and administrative offenses) in Ukraine is being investigated. Changes in section 9 of the General Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the inevitability of liability for corruption crimes are supported. It is established that the changes and additions to the Criminal Code of Ukraine (in particular, in its articles 364, 364¹, 368, 365, 423, 424) are scientifically groundless and premature, create significant corruption risks. It is determined that only complex and scientifically substantiated changes and additions to the current legislation can help prevent corruption.
Scientists in the field of Criminal Law of Ukraine should carry out comprehensive criminal and legal analysis of the system and syllables of corruption crimes in Ukraine in order to develop and provide appropriate scientific substantiation of proposals for existing criminal legislation improvement and development of clear criteria concerning the issues of correct classification of offenses, which will be investigated and their delimitation from adjacent syllables of crimes. The task of the state of Ukraine is to finance properly relevant scientific institutions and activities and to overcome scientists’ opinions while reforming current legislation of Ukraine.
Key words: corruption, the system of corruption offenses, corruption crimes, corruption offenses, current legislation.
- Konventsiia Orhanizatsii Obiednanykh Natsii proty koruptsii vid 31 zhovtnia 2003 r. (pidpysana vid imeni Ukrainy 11.12.2003 r., ratyfikovana 18.10.2006 r., nabrala chynnosti dlia Ukrainy 01.01.2010 r.). Ofits. vis-nyk Ukrainy. 2010. № 10. St. 506.
- Konstytutsiia Ukrainy vid 28 chervnia 1996 r. № 254k/96-VR. Vido-mosti Verkhov. Rady Ukrainy. 1996. № 30. St. 141.
- Kryminalnyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy vid 13 kvitnia 2012 r. № 4651-VI. Vidomosti Verkhov. Rady Ukrainy. 2013. № 9–13. St. 88.
- Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh zakonodavchykh aktiv Ukrainy shchodo zabezpechennia diialnosti Natsionalnoho antykoruptsiinoho biuro Ukrai-ny ta Natsionalnoho ahentstva z pytan zapobihannia koruptsii: Zakon Ukrainy vid 12 liutoho 2015 r. № 198-VIII. Vidomosti Verkhov. Rady Uk-rainy. 2015. № 17. St. 118.
- Pro vnesennia zmin do Kryminalnoho ta Kryminalnoho protsesu-alnoho kodeksiv Ukrainy shchodo implementatsii do natsionalnoho zako-nodavstva polozhen statti 19 Konventsii OON proty koruptsii: Zakon Ukrainy vid 21 liutoho 2014 roku № 746-VII. Vidomosti Verkhov. Rady Ukrainy. 2014. № 12. St. 188.
- Pro Natsionalne antykoruptsiine biuro Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy vid 14 zhovtnia 2014 r. № 1698-VII. Vidomosti Verkhov. Rady Ukrainy. 2014. № 47. St. 2051.
- Pro zapobihannia koruptsii: Zakon Ukrainy vid 14 zhovtnia 2014 r. № 1700-VII. Vidomosti Verkhov. Rady Ukrainy. 2014. № 49. St. 2056.
- Stashys V. V. Vybrani pratsi / uklad.: Tatsii V. Ya., Borysov V. I., Demydova L. M.; vidp. red. Tatsii V. Ya. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2015. 1184 s.
- Melnyk M. I. Koruptsiia: sutnist, poniattia, zakhody protydii: mo-nohrafiia. Kyiv: Atika, 2001. 304 s.
- Nevmerzhytskyi Ye. V. Politychna koruptsiia: sutnist i zmist. Pra-vo Ukrainy. 2008. № 7. S. 123–129.
- Kyrychko V. M. Kryminalna vidpovidalnist za koruptsiiu. Khar-kiv: Pravo, 2013. 424 s.
- Vzaiemodiia derzhavnykh orhaniv i hromadskosti u zapobihanni ta protydii koruptsii: materialy nauk.-prakt. seminaru, 24 kvit. 2014 r. u ramkakh VII Vseukrainskoho festyvaliu nauky / redkol.: Borysov V. I. (holov. red.) ta in. Kharkiv, 2014. 116 s.
- Antykoruptsiini zasady diialnosti orhaniv vlady: nauk.-praktych. posib. / Klimova S. M., H. S. Krainyk H. S., Nikolaichuk S. V. ta in.; za zah. nauk. red. Rozdaibidy A. V. Vydannia 2-he, pererobl. ta dopovn. Khar-kiv: Drukarnia Madryd, 2014. 364 s.
- Kryminalno-pravovi ta kryminolohichni zasady protydii korup-tsii: zbirnyk materialiv III Mizhnarodnoi nauk.-prakt. konf. (3 kvitnia 2015 r., m. Kharkiv). Kharkiv: Zolota mylia, 2015. 260 s.
- Nastiuk V. Ya., Krainyk H. S. Problemni pytannia administratyv-noi ta kryminalnoi vidpovidalnosti za koruptsiini pravoporushennia v Ukraini. Pravo Ukrainy. 2015. Vyp. 12. S. 48–57.
- Threats and Phantoms of Organised Crime, Corruption and Terrorism / ed. by P. Duyne, K. Jager, K. Lampe, J. Newell. Nijmegen: Wolf, 2004. 273 p.
- Shelley L. Civil Society Mobilized against Corruption: Russia and Ukraine. Civil Society and Corruption: Mobilizing for Reform / by ed. M. Johnston. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2005. Ch. 1. P. 3–21.
Author (s):Lysko T. D.
Work place:
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal and Administrative Law,
Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):173-180
The judicial comparative analysis of illegal abortion was given in the article. The spotlight was the Criminal Code of Germany, which in details regulates crimes, related to termination of pregnancy and determines as the object of attempt not woman’s health, but the future life of fetus. This group of crimes is called in german doctrine: “Crimes against unborn life”. The accent was on detailed description of regulatory statements, which are contained in Criminal Code of German and are objection of Medical or Family Law research.
There is a difference among the technique of legislative regulation of encroachments on still unborn life and the technique of criminal legal doctrinal analysis of these acts; it seems that doctrinal analysis is carried out at a higher level; German Criminal Law expands the subject of Criminal Law protection of attacks on life due to the regulation of the termination of pregnancy as a crime against life, even future; rather detailed description of certain rules in the Criminal Code of Germany, which usually act as a subject of consideration of Medical or Family Law.
Key words: abortion, criminal actions by the Criminal Code of Germany, unborn life, termination of pregnancy, Criminal Law.
- Sravnitelnoye ugolovnoye pravo. Osobennaya chast: monografiya / pod obshch. i nauch. red. d-ra yurid. nauk. prof.. zasluzhennogo deyatelya nauki RF S. P. Shcherby. Moskva: Yurlitinform. 2010. S. 70.
- Krylova N. E. Otvetstvennost za nezakonnoye proizvodstvo abo-rta i neobkhodimost ugolovno-pravovoy zashchity. budushchey zhizni. Ve-stnik MGU. Ser. 11. Pravo. 2002. № 6. S. 38.
- Cherevko K. O. Kryminalno-pravova ta kryminolohichna kharakte-rystyka nezakonnoho provedennia abortu: monohrafiia / za zah. red. d-ra yuryd. nauk, prof. O. M. Lytvynova. Kharkiv: Nika Nova, 2012. 196 s.; Chebotarova H. V. Kryminalno-pravova okhorona pravoporiadku v sferi medychnoi diialnosti: monohrafiia. Kyiv: KNT, 2011. 616 s.
- Ugolovnoye pravo zarubezhnykh stran. Obshchaya i Osobennaya chasti: uchebnik dlya magistrov / pod red. N. E. Krylovoy. 4-e izd.. pererab. i dopoln. Moskva: Yurayt. 2013. S. 854.
- Tröndle H. Das Schwangeren und Familienhilfeänderungsgesetz // Tröndle H. Antworten auf Grundfragen. München: C.H. Beck, 1999. S. 381.
- Zhalinskiy A. E. Sovremennoye nemetskoye ugolovnoye pravo. Mosk-va: TK Velbi; Izd-vo Prospekt. 2006. S. 373–374.
Author (s):Fesenko Ye. V.
Work place:
Head of the Department of Criminal and Administrative Law,Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):181-191
The article is dedicated to the issue of the day of account in the criminal law of basic principles, including principle of humanizing. Thus wide interpretation of principle of humanity is fixed in basis, which spreads on a guilty in the commission of crime person, and also on a victim.
This principle is especially important, because assists to defence of interests and human rights. But very debatable decision is inadmissed, and even erroneous decision of these questions, drawing transformation of principle of humanism in his opposition – hellishness. Such defects take place both in determination of the conceptual going near interpretation of basic tasks of Criminal code of Ukraine, so specifications of row of positions of his Special part.
In particular it touches the groundless change of reasons of Division VII the Criminal Code (Crimes in the field of economic activity). Unjustified is abolition of criminal responsibility for deception of customers and customers. The last release of the article 227 of the Criminal code is Unblameless also, that resulted in softening of responsibility for intentional introduction to the turn in Ukraine of dangerous products, in fact such acts are widespread and extremely dangerous foremost for the health of people. It reached to that the people diseased from the use of dangerous products are finished off by the falsifyed medications. At such situation it is difficult even to explain “humanism” of the legislative fixing of positions that result in weakening of control after quality of products and medications (moratorium on provided for by the plan not verifications etc.).
In addition, from imperfection of current legislation and practice of his application unsatisfactory is criminal law defence of still human health, that also not in behalf on principle of humanism.
Key words: principles of Criminal Law, humanizing, pseudo humanizing, crimes in the field of economic activity, crimes against the health of population.
- Slovnyk yurydychnykh terminiv i poniat: navchalnyi posibnyk / za red. profesoriv Honcharenka V. H. ta Romovskoi Z. V. Kyiv: Yustinian, 2013.
- Kryminalne pravo Ukrainy. Zahalna chastyna: pidruchnyk / Bo-rysov V. I., Tatsii V. Ya., Tiutiuhin V. I. Kryvochenko L. M. ta in.; za red. Tatsiia V. Ya., Borysova V. I., Tiutiuhina V. I. 5-te vyd., pererobl. i dopovn. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2015.
- Volchkov O. Rakhunky za kordonom – indulhentsiia dlia starykh hri-khiv. URL: http://forbes.net.ua/ua/opinions/1399588-rahunki-za-kordonom-indulgenciya-dlya-starih-grihiv/ (data zvernennia: 4 serpnia 2015 r.).
- Fesenko Ye. V. Zlochyny proty zdorovia naselennia ta systemy za-khodiv z yoho okhorony. Kyiv: Atika, 2004.
- Denysova T. A. Kryminalne pokarannia ta realizatsiia yoho funk-tsii: avtoref. dys. … d-ra yuryd. nauk. Zaporizhzhia: b. v., 2010. 38 s.
- Nazymko Ye. S. Depenalizatsiia yak element penalnoi polityky Uk-rainy: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.08 – Kryminalne pravo ta kryminolohiia; kryminalno-vykonavche pravo. Kyiv: b. v., 2011. 20 s.
- Filei Yu. V. Kryminalno-pravovi sanktsii ta yikh zastosuvannia za zlochyny proty vlasnosti: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk. Lviv, 2006.
- Postanovy Plenumu Verkhovnoho Sudu Ukrainy: Pro umovno-dostrokove zvilnennia vid vidbuvannia pokarannia i zaminu nevidbutoi chastyny pokarannia bilsh miakym vid 26 kvitnia 2002 r. № 2; Pro pryzna-chennia sudamy kryminalnoho pokarannia vid 24 zhovtnia 2003 r № 8; Pro praktyku zastosuvannia sudamy Ukrainy zakonodavstva pro zvilnennia osoby vid kryminalnoi vidpovidalnosti vid 23 hrudnia 2005 r. № 12.
- Hatseliuk V. O. Realizatsiia pryntsypu zakonnosti kryminalnoho prava Ukrainy (zahalni zasady kontseptsii): avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk. Lviv, 2005.
- Hnativ I. M. Pryntsyp «non bis in idem» u kryminalnomu pravi Ukrainy: avtoref. … kand. yuryd. nauk. Lviv, 2013.
- Kalmykov D. Dyvnyi humanizm ukrainskoho zakonodavtsia abo problemy pryznachennia kryminalnoho pokarannia okremym katehoriiam vynnykh. Yurydychnyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2011. № 33 (841). 20–26 serpnia. S. 5; № 34 (842). 27 serpnia – 2 veresnia. S. 5.
Author (s):Denysov S.,Soyundikova N
Work place:
Denysov S.,
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor,
Head of Department of Criminal Law,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;
Soyundikova N.,
Member of the National Preventive Mechanism
of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana)
Master of law
Language: English
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):192-204
Rights and freedoms of a person shall be restricted by the criminal code only in the case and to the extent required for criminal and legal protection of defended values. For these purposes, criminal legislation of Central Asian countries sets a number of tools, among which there are general principles of sentencing. General principles of sentencing are a system of obligatory initial general rules of sentencing that ensure a court identifies appropriate type and term of criminal punishment among possible measures stipulated by a corresponding criminal sanction. Moreover, as of today the system of general rules to determine lawful, fair, and humane punitive measure, required and sufficient to achieve its goals, has not been developed. This article states writers’ conclusions and recommendations developed as a result of comparative and legal analysis of criminal legislation of Central Asian countries, which can positively affect law enforcement practice.
Key words: sentencing, general principles of sentencing, criminal legislation of Central Asian countries.
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Kniga pervaya. Moskva, 1926 (in Russian).3. Dudar N. N. Obshchiye nachala naznacheniya nakazaniya [The general principles of appointment the punishment]: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Moskva, 2004. 199 s. (in Russian).4. Zlobin G. A., Nikiforov B. S. Umysel i yego formy [Aforethought and its forms]. Moskva, 1972. 264 s. (in Russian).5. Noy I. S. Sushchnost i funktsii ugolovnogo nakazaniya v sovetskom gosudarstve: politiko-yuridicheskoye issledovaniye [The essence and functions of criminal punishment in the Soviet state: political and legal research]. Saratov, 1973. 193 s. (in Russian).6. Bazhanov M. I. Naznacheniye nakazaniya po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu [Appointment of punishment under the Soviet Criminal Law]. Kiyev, 1980. 216 s. (in Russian).7. Ugolovnyy kodeks KazSSR ot 22 iyulia 1959 goda [The Criminal Code of the KazSSR of July 22, 1959]. Vedomosti Vepkhovnogo Soveta i Ppavitelstva Kazakhskoy SSR, Almaty. 1959. №22–23. St. 177 (in Russian).8. 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Skriabin M. A. Obshchiye nachala naznacheniya nakazaniya i praktika ikh primeneniya po delam o prestupleniyakh nesovershennoletnikh [The general principles of the appointment of punishment and the practice of their application in cases of crimes concerning minors]: dis. … kand. yurid.nauk.Kazan, 1984. S. 8 (in Russian).14. Novoselov G. P. Kriterii opredeleniya sudom mery ugolovnogo nakazaniya [Criteria of determining a criminal penalty by the court]: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Sverdlovsk, 1981. 195 s. (in Russian).15. Gaverov V. S. Obshchiye nachala naznacheniya nakazaniya po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu [General principles of the appointment of punishment according to Soviet Criminal Law]. Irkutsk, 1976. 100 s. (in Russian).16. Sbornik deystvuyushchikh postanovleniy plenumov verkhovnykh sudov SSSR, RSFSR i Rossiyskoy Federatsii po ugolovnym delam [Collection of current resolutions of plenums of the Supreme Courts of the USSR, the RSFSR and the Russian Federation in criminal cases] / otv.red.: RadchenkoV. I.; nauch. red. Mikhlin A. S. Moskva, 2008. (in Russian).17. Kommentariy k Ugolovnomu kodeksu RK [Commentary on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan] / otv.red. Borchashvili I. SH., Rakhimzhanova G. K. Karaganda, 1999. 960 s. (in Russian).18. Ugolovnoye pravo Respubliki Kazakhstan. Obshchaya chast: kurs lektsiy [Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The general part: a course of lectures] / pod obshch.red. Borchashvili I. SH. Almaty, 2006. 490 s. (in Russian).19. Ugolovnyy kodeks Respubliki Kazakhstan ot 3 iyulia 2014 goda № 226-V (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 16.11.2015 g.) [The Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 3, 2014 No. 226-V (with amendments and additions as of November 16, 2015.)]. Vedomosti Parlamenta Respubliki Kazakhstan. 2014. № 13 (2662). St. 83 (in Russian).20. Ugolovnyy kodeks Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 21 maya 1998 goda № 574 (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 18.03.2015 g.) [The Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 21, 1998, No. 574 (with amendments and additions as of March 18, 2015.)]. AkhboriMadzhlisioli Respubliki Tadzhikistan. 1998. № 9. St. 68–70 (in Russian).21. Noy I. S. Voprosy teorii nakazaniya v sovetskom ugolovnom prave [Issues of the theory of punishment in Soviet Criminal Law]. Saratov, 1962. 156 s. (in Russian).22. Ugolovnyy kodeks Turkmenistana ot 12 iyunia 1997 goda № 222-I (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 02.02.2015 g.) [The Criminal Code of Turkmenistan of June 12, 1997 No. 222-I (with amendments and additions as of 02.02.2015)]. URL: http://online.zakon.kz/Document/? doc_id=31295286#pos=616;-253&sel_link=1003433943 (in Russian).23. Ugolovnyy kodeks Respubliki Uzbekistan ot 22 sentiabria 1994 goda № 2012-XII)(s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 20.08.2015 g.) [The Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 22, 1994 No. 2012-XII) (with amendments and additions as of August 20, 2015.)]. Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta Respubliki Uzbekistan. 1995. № 1 (in Russian).24. Ugolovnyy kodeks Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki ot 1 oktiabria 1997 goda № 68 (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 28.07.2015 g.) [The Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic dated October 1, 1997 No. 68 (with amendments and additions as of July 28, 2015)]. Vedomosti ZhogorkuKeneshaKyrgyzskoy Respubliki. 1998. № 7.St. 229 (in Russian).25. UK Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki ot 1 fevralia 2017 goda [The Criminal Code of 1 February 2017]. Ofitsialnyy sayt Ministerstva yustitsii Kirgizii [Official website of the Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyzstan]. URL: http://cbd.minjust.gov.kg/act/view/ru-ru/111527 (in Russian).26. Floria K. N. Vliyaniye nekotorykh sotsialnykh faktorov na naznacheniye nakazaniya [The influence of some social factors on the appointment of punishment]. Kishinev, 1974. 33 s. (in Russian).
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Author (s):Honcharenko O. H
Work place:
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate ProfessorHead of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences,Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: English
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):205-214
Forming a modern state criminal policy it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of the state to pay for the security of society and its financial capabilities. The combination of losses that are incurred as a result of the crime, their negative impact on the socio-economic development of the country forced the state to spend the financial resources on the protection from the criminal threats. As a terminological category of the calculation of aforementioned costs in the criminological literature, the term “price of the crime” is used.
The analysis of costs, losses and damages incurred by individuals, the state and the society as a result of the crime, allows to highlight the structural elements that make up the “price of the crime”, namely: costs of the state, society, legal entity and individuals on the prevention of crime, that is the implementation of special measures of protection against criminal anticipated risks; losses of the state, society, legal entity and individuals in connection with any crime; expenses to eliminate the consequences of crimes related to the restorationof the condition which concerns the crime, money compensation, insurance claims, medical care and the rehabilitation of victims and their families, a reduction in employment level, working productivity, losses of income fromthe closing of the organization, etc., government expenditures on the execution of punishment andthe prevention of recurrent crimes, that is the costs of the state bodies and public organizations that have been incurred in connection with the execution of punishment and resocialization of the prisonersand the implementation of measures which are directed on the prevention of the crime recidivism (the employment, the administrative supervision, the control of apparatus of probation and other law enforcement bodies).
The main conclusion to which researchers have come in the definition of “price of the crime” does not indicate the social consequences and losses incurred by the society as a result of illegal acts committed, but also it indicates aboutpossible direct impact of these costs on the rate of the economic development of the country. Therefore, the society have to controll the state activity, the law enforcement bodies including the penitentiary system constantly and carefully.
Key words: price, costs, losses, society, state, criminal policy.
- Babayev M. M., Kvashis V. Ye. Tsena prestupnosti: problemy metodologii i ugolovnoy politiki [The price of criminality: the problems of methodology and criminal policy]. Sovremennye problemy i tendentsii razvitiya ugolovnogo prava, kriminologii i ugolovno-ispolnitelnogo prava Respubliki Kazakhstan: materialy Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf.: v 2 t. T.1. Karaganda: KarYUI MVD RK im. B. Beysenova, 2009. 346 s. (in Russian).2. Babayev M. M., Kvashis V. Ye. Tsena prestupnosti: problemy teorii i praktiki [The price of criminality: problems of theory and practice]. Rossiyskiy kriminologicheskiy vzgliad. 2009. № 2. S. 8–12 (in Russian).3. Gilinskiy YA., Kristi N. Borba s prestupnostyu kak industriya. Vpered k GULAGU zapadnogo obraztsa [Fighting against crime as an industry. Forward to the Western Gulag] / per. s angl. Petrova A., Proklova V. Moskva: ROO «Tsentr sodeystviya reforme ugolovnogo pravosudiya», 2001. 224 s. (in Russian).4. Zer Kh. Vosstanovitelnoye pravosudiye: novyy vzgliad na prestupleniye i nakazaniye [Restorative Justice: a new view at crime and punishment]: per. s angl. / pod red. Karnozovoy L.i Pashina S. Moskva: Tsentr «Sudebno-pravovaya reforma», 2002. 324 s. (in Russian).5. Zulkarnay I. Gosudarstvo kak firma po predostavleniyu obshchestvennykh uslug [State as a company providing public services]. Obshchestvo i ekonomika. 2006. № 5. S. 110–115 (in Russian).6. Kvashis V. «Tsena» prestupnosti kak kriminologicheskaya problema [“The price” of crime as a criminological problem]. Ugolovnoye pravo. 2008. № 6. S. 94–102 (in Russian).7. Kedov V. Gosudarstvo i ekonomika: meniayushcheyesia ravnovesiye [State and Economy: Changing Equilibrium]. Problemy teorii i praktiki upravleniya. 2002. № 3. S. 8–13 (in Russian).8. Kondratiuk L. V., Ovchinskiy V. S. Kriminologicheskoye izmereniye [Criminological measurement]. Moskva: Norma, 2008. 272 s. (in Russian).9. Kudriavtsev V. N. Ugolovnaya yustitsiya kak sistema [Criminal Justice as a system]. Pravovaya kibernetika. 1983. № 4. S.89–94 (in Russian).10. Mill Dzh. S. Osnovy politicheskoy ekonomii [Fundamentals of Political Economy] / per. s angl.MileykovskogoA. G. Moskva: Progress, 1980. 56 s. (in Russian).11. Naumov A. Ugolovnaya statistika: prestupnost i yeye stabilnost [Criminal statistics: crime and its stability]. Ugolovnoye pravo. 2008. № 4. S. 134–137 (in Russian).12. Samiuelson P. A., Nordhauz V. D. Makroekonomika [Macroeconomics]: per. z anghl. Kyiv: Osnovy, 1995. 544 s. (in Ukrainian).13. Smit A. Issledovaniye o prirode i prichinakh bogatstva narodov [Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of peoples]. Antologiya ekonomicheskoy mysli. Moskva: Eksmo, 2009. 956 s. (in Russian).14. Staroverova O. V. «Tsena» nalogovoy prestupnosti [“The price” of tax crime]: monografiya. Moskva: Zakon i pravo, YUNITI-DANA, 2006. 348 s. (in Russian).15. Stern V. Grekh protiv budushchego. Tiuremnoye zakliucheniye v mire [Sin against the future. Imprisonment in the world]. Moskva: PRI, 2000. 130 s. (in Russian).16. Shamis A. Ispravitelnoye vozdeystviye na osuzhdennykh – sotsialnaya funktsiya ITU [Corrective effect on convicts – social function of the ITU]. Prestupleniye i nakazaniye. 1994. № 12. S. 37–40 (in Russian).17. Мiller T., Kohen M., Witrsema B., Washington D.C.Victim Cost and Constquences: a new Look. Final/ National Institute of Justice. 1969. 312 p. (in English).
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Author (s):Haryha-Hrykhno M. M., Vihovskyi V. L
Work place:
Haryha-Hrykhno M. M.,
Head of Scientific Department, Chernihiv НДЕКЦ Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Vihovskyi V. L.
Lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Training, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):215-222
This article covers general doctrinal rules for formulating questions in the process of preparing for an expert study. A clear definition of the concept of “cold weapons expertise” is provided. Detected signs in which an object can be considered a cold weapon. An indicative list of solved issues during the forensic examination of cold weapons is indicated.
Tasks of fight against crime are relevant for all historical stages of any-based society. The tasks acquire a particular importance in critical periods, one of which is currently going through our country. Now Ukraine has complicated criminal situation and high crime rate. Ongoing socio-political changes aimed at establishment of rules of law, democratization of public institutions, inextricably linked with the need to improve the mechanism to ensure and protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in unstable social conditions. Simple manufacture of cold arms, the possibility of its concealed carry, speed and suddenness of use caused
the widespread use of cold arms among the population.
Key words: Forensic expertise, expert research, cold weapons, cold weapons expertise, legislation, criminal activity, criminal justice.
- Koliada P. V. Metodychnyi posibnyk dlia pratsivnykiv orhaniv dosudovoho slidstva z pytan pryznachennia ta provedennia sudovoi ekspertyzy. Kyiv: UVPD HSh MVS Ukrainy, 2008. 278 s.
- Shepitko V. Yu. Dovidnyk slidchoho. 4-te vyd., pereroblene i dopovnene. Kharkiv: Odisei, 2013. 232 s.
- Honcharenko V. I., Hora I. V. Ekspertyzy u sudochynstvi Ukrainy: navchalno-naukovyi posibnyk. Kyiv: Yurinkom Inter, 2017. 503 s.
- Panov M. I., Shepitko V. Yu., Konovalova V. O. Nastilna knyha slidchoho. 2-he vyd., pereroblene i dopovnene. Kyiv: In Yure, 2007. 728 s.
Author (s):Kobzar O. F.
Work place:
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Process, Dnipropetrovsk State Universityof Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):222-229
The article analyzes the issues of printing using the results of the survey when making the service of the National Police of Ukraine. Studied scientific characteristics polygraph and “teoryii polygraph.” Determined that the polygraph technology survey is rather questionable condition for selection of candidates to the National Police of Ukraine. Whereas it is necessary to consider that each person perceives stress differently depending on the type of temperament and other personality characteristics. So legislator proposed method of selection of candidates should not be based on the interpretation of changes in the human polygraph. Also note that the negative results of polygraph testing itself should not be the basis for the denial of candidates for appointing police. If the person is not tested, the results can get to her personal file and prevent its career. Polygraph testing is not considered completely reliable, and its results may be subject to manipulation, so the possibility of using polygraph survey as a tool to evaluate the integrity of candidates to serve in the National Police of Ukraine is impractical.
Key words: polygraph, polygraph questioning, Service, National Police, “the theory of the polygraph.”
- Pro Natsionalnu politsiiu: Zakon Ukrainy vid 02 lypnia 2015 roku № 580-VIIIII. Holos Ukrainy. № 141–142.
- Pro podalshyi rozvytok sluzhby psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia operatyvno-sluzhbovoi diialnosti orhaniv vnutrishnikh sprav Ukrainy: nakaz MVS vid 28.07.2004 № 842. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy vid 19.11.2004. 2004. № 44. S. 187. St. 2922.
- Balabanova L. M. Sudebnaya patopsikhologiya. URL: http://yurpsy.by.ru/help/bib/balab/13.htm.
- Delikatnyi S. K., Polovnikova Zh. Yu. Vykorystannia polihrafa v diialnosti OVS: navch.-metod. posibnyk. Kyiv: RVV MVS Ukrainy, 2001.
- Znakov V. V. Psikhologiya ponimaniya pravdy. Sankt-Peterburg. 1999. 281 s.
- Pryntsypy ta umovy zastosuvannia polihrafa v Ukraini. Zakon i Bi-znes. URL: http://zib.com.ua/ua/print/118818-tehnichna_dovira_principi_ta_ umovi_zastosuvannya_poligrafu_v.html.
- Arkhivna sprava Robochoho aparatu Ukrbiuro Interpolu shchodo vy-yavlennia, vyvchennia ta vprovadzhennia peredovykh form i metodiv roboty, inv. № 3749.
- Kholodnyy Yu. I. Primeneniye poligrafa pri profilaktike. raskrytii i rassledovanii prestupleniy (genezis i pravovyye as-pekty): monografіya. Moskva: Mir bezopasnosti. 2000. 160 s.
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Author (s):Syniavskyi S. M., Yesypenko O. H.
Work place:
Syniavskyi S. M.,
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Tactical and Special Training, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Yesypenko O. H.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Training, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):230-238
During the report on the aforementioned issue, attention was paid to the description of the crime situation in places of detention and a criminological description of the crimes committed there.
The attention is focused on changes in the criminal-procedural code of Ukraine related to the investigation of crimes committed on the territory of penitentiary institutions and practical issues that may arise during their investigation by investigators of the investigation units of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to problems and investigative situations that arise during the investigation of crimes committed in the territory of penal institutions.
One of the main conditions for the complete and comprehensive investigation of crimes in the VC is the establishment of a permanent interaction between the investigator and the employees of these institutions. Very often, solving of all these problems in some way touches upon personal relationships that are made up in the environment of the convicts, hidding of which they can be interested in.
Key words: criminogenic situation, crimes, execution of penalties, investigation units, Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine
- Kryminalnyi protsesualnyi kodeks Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy № 4651-VI vid 13 kvit. 2012 r. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2012. № 37. S. 11. St. 1370.
- Kryminalnyi kodeks Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy № 2341-III vid 5 kvitnia 2001 r. Ofitsiinyi visnyk Ukrainy. 2001. № 21. S. 1.
- Tertyshnyk V. M. Kryminalnyi protses Ukrainy. Zahalna chas-tyna: pidruchnyk. Kyiv: Alerta, 2014.
- Kryminalnyi protses Ukrainy: navch. posibn. / za red. Tatsiia V. Ya., Hroshevoho Yu. M., Kaplinoi O. V., Shylo O. H. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2013.
Author (s):Tkachenko О. H.
Work place:
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):239-247
The article is devoted to the study of the issue of the citizens’ realization of their constitutional right to protect against unlawful encroachments using weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber projectiles. It defines its legal basis and analyzes the shortcomings of the current legislation, as today the social relations connected with the circulation of weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber shells are regulated by dozens of normative and legal acts, among them – decrees, decrees, orders, and The law regulating these issues has not been adopted in our country by this time. Considering this problem, the author came to the conclusion that it should be resolved as soon as possible, in the interests of society and every law-abiding citizen, and not in the interests of those who are inclined to commit offenses.
The problem of administrative and legal regulation of the citizens’ right to use weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber projectiles, for an individual purpose, the essence and legal grounds for the circulation of weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber shells, has not only theoretical but also practical significance. This again emphasizes the urgency of the problem of the study of the legal and administrative framework for the circulation of weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber shells used to protect and protect the person, his life, health, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests and property.
The article deals with the theoretical and legal provisions of the updated legislation of Ukraine, namely, the draft Law No. 2105 “On the Circulation of Non-Military Destruction Weapons” of 09.02.2009, and the Draft Law “On Civilian Weapons and Ammunition” 1135-1 dated 10.12.2014 which was included to the agenda of the sixth session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the eighth convocation.
Key words: citizens’ safety, the right to protect life, the order of arms circulation and devices for shooting ammunition equipped with rubber shells, administrative and legal regulation, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.
- Konstytutsiia Ukrainy. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 1996. № 30. St. 141.
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- Tymoshenko K. O. Osnovni napriamy vdoskonalennia instytutu rea-lizatsii prava hromadian na vohnepalnu zbroiu ta spetsialni zasoby sa-mooborony. Visnyk Luhanskoho derzhavnoho universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav imeni E. O. Didorenka. 2013. Vyp. 1. S. 324–330. URL: http: //nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Vlduvs_2013_1_40.
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- Proekt Zakonu pro tsyvilnu zbroiu i boieprypasy. URL: http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=52809.
Author (s):Khashev V.H.,Shablystyi V. V.,
Work place:
Khashev V.H.,
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Dnipropetrovsk State University
of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Shablystyi V. V.,
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Dnipropetrovsk State Universityof Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018№1(3):248-255
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